
A week ago yesterday...

... I got into a motorcycle accident and broke my arm. Today, I go to see the specialist to see how to proceed.

It all started when...
Sunday, 17 October 2010 ~3:30 PM, cruising toward the tail end of an awesome day of riding with a buddy, and whoops...
 about to miss the turn-off for our last leg. Hit the signal and lay on the brakes...
  coming closer to the turn-off and "Hmmm"...
   there is a swatch of gravel about 4ft wide and 6ft long right in the sweet spot of the turn. Now thinking to myself "probably shoulda just skipped this turn at this point, but committed now"
 No problem... I'm on the light and nimble sport bike today...
  just extend the lead-in to the turn... and cut it a little harder mid t... BAM! ...

Its light... its dark...
 why am I looking at pavement?
 Ow, WTF!?! My shoulder hurts...
 ... quiet ...
 except for my heart pounding in my ears ...
 Ouch... Don't move, breathe slowly, assess...

"Whewww! I'm a bit bruised, but in one piece!" I say to myself, and something similar out loud to my riding buddy as he is running up to me.

Well, long story short (or shorter), it felt like I threw out my shoulder, but after my sweetie and friends come to pick us and the bikes up, and a trip to the ER for each of us...
  • I have a broken arm (upper ball end broken clean off of the humerus) UPDATE:The Ball is not broken off, there are 4 major fractures through the humeral head (See Next Post)
  • my buddy has a bruised nut (Ouch!) and a broken ass (stairstep fracture of his pelvis)

So that is what happened. I will provide more detail on treatment/recovery in future blogs.

This Blog is inspired by: Humerus Fracture Recovery

L8R's, Joe

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I did the exact same thing to my humerus several years back. Mine was a trampoline accident. LOL. Not nearly as intense sounding as your experience. Ha! I was in an immobilizer for three months and was ordered to sleep in an upright position for fear that the gravity from lying down would work against the healing process. Ugh. No fun. By the time I was able to use my arm again, I had complete muscle atrophy and had to go to physical therapy for what seems like ages. Hopefully yours will be a much more expedient recovery than mine was!!! Keep us posted!
